Man, time has been flying by. This is exhausting! Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about everyone out there in Blog World. I'm still alive.
Opening a business is just very overwhelming when it gets down to the nitty gritty of things. It's a learning experience. So far, we're doing pretty exceptional! Inventory is flying off the shelf much faster than I expected. Can't complain too much but it definitely makes ordering a lot more complicated.
Still, there's so much to do! I don't think I prepared as much as I should have. But at the same time, what was I suppose to do? Sit there, twiddling my thumbs burning time that I could be making my rent money for the store? I had to open asap. The store is presentable.
Now it's a matter of time management. Having Gil around helping man the store is a huge help. Still, between my now part time job at Verizon, my side projects with web design, and trying to get the store running right, along with last but not least - my personal life - it's just difficult to get a handle on things. But alas, I knew what I was getting myself into, didn't I?
The response has been as I expected for the most part. The positive response has been more so than I thought it would be. The skeptical crowd has responded pretty accurately to what I expected. A lot of people, especially older people, just don't understand what the store is about. A lot of people just don't understand why people would pay to play console games. I have to get into depth about how there's an entire market dedicated to it. It's a process. I think for a lot of people, this town never having had a legit shop like this, it's a culture shock when you explain that you're using a business model that's been used a frequently in the past.
The younger crowd has been extremely supportive and excited that Robinson, IL is actually getting something like this. Most of my friends are just excited for me. And then most of my friends who share my common interest are just pretty happy that there's going to be a place they can all gather, play competitively and not disturb their wives.
Next up on my agenda:
Getting a lot of in-store contests ready.
Getting snack food in-stock.
Getting my open/close routine documented
Start outlining our after school program
Start getting a consistent schedule for themed nights.
Getting all my cards properly organized
Order more inventory
Oh and finally, hopefully, someone can watch the shop while I go do my tax return. I'm hoping my tax return is one of those that actually returns money. As opposed the ones I feel like I constantly screw up on and end up having to pay into the government. It happens a lot, you'd be surprised. I can be an idiot! Ugh.
Anyway. That's it for updates for now. Thanks to everyone who has shown their support to the store! You all know who you are.
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